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Clean cut cutie

Happy Hunk Day!

Clean cut cutie

Here is a clean cut cutie for Hunk Day!

I would like to think he is taking the shirt off…and that reminds me of a story. I went to the premiere of Magic Mike a few years ago with my girls. We were packed in a theater of about 200 inspired women waiting for Channing Tatum’s six pack abs to appear on the big screen. A brave, college-aged, pimple faced usher stood at the front of the theater, directly under the movie screen and politely asked for everyone’s attention.  “Could you please move toward the center of the aisle to make room for other guests?” he asked.  Dead silence followed as the packed hen house stared back at him. After a moment, a chant echoed through the room “Take it off!” “Take it off!” “Take it off!”

He turned beet red, dropped his head in defeat and headed for the exit.

Because Life Should Make You Laugh! 

Have a Happy Hunk Day!
Forever Crazy,
Janet Leigh

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